Kurwan Commonwealth of Katynsk

Kurwan Commonwealth of Katynsk
Local Languages English
Government Polyarchy
Leader Mazznoff
Establishment Mid July 2011
Population 6
Abbreviation none

Katynsk is a little satellite town located south from Kurwa just off its borders.

Katynsk was founded in mid-July by mazznoff. First he built a countryhouse here and later connected it to his house in Kurwa via a railway. Later on more inhabitants came to the town, including det111, who built a large mansion here, and wannabe, a glorious architect, who later built a temple and surroundings on the Kashiyuka mountain and the Venäjälä maze. As the transportation needs of the town soon became massive, Katynsk railway was connected to Kurwan metro. On August 20th Katynsk was included into the Netherway system. On September 2nd wills1026 built the Katynsk Cathedral, and Katynsk got a two-way warp sign.

Geography of Katynsk

Katynsk, as it soon turned out, had very interesting location. Beside the fact that Katynsk was tightly bordering Kurwa, wannabe soon pointed out that Katynsk was located near Fingolia. The Mene Statue is clearly visible from nearly every spot in Katynsk. But due to the fact that Finvasion was over, Fingolia is practically dead.

The second interesting fact about Katynsk geography was learnt much later. Katynsk turned to be around Szopas Line, the area which was part of a treaty between Kurwa and Breshik. The conditions of the treaty included an agreement by which neither a Kurwan or a Breshikan citizen was allowed to build in this area. But Katynsk had been founded well before the treaty was signed, so building restriction simply couldn't be applied.

Katynsk economy mainly consists of extracting minerals and materials for own use. Exporting is yet a rare thing, but the town is always ready to export clay, arrows, bones and mossy cobblestone. Katynsk is one of the greatest consumers of cobblestone, glass and coal.

The following divisions within Katynsk are recognized:

  • Katynsk Central
  • Mountain Kashiyuka
  • Venäjälä

Although mazznoff might be seen as a leader of the town as a most active citizen, Katynsk is a polyarchy. That is, all town changes should be discussed among all citizens. Every citizen is permitted to act on behalf of the town in international relations and in trading. Town public resources can be traded by any citizen for glory and profit of the town.

  • history/beta_17/settlements/katynsk.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)